Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Things I've Learned

Three things I learned this week:

1. I should have gotten a Kindle a long time ago.
2. I’ll never get accustomed to my husband being away from home on business trips.
3. Sometimes I need to turn off the Internet and just write.

What have you learned this week?


  1. 1. My husband (after much convincing on his part because I really love 'real' books) bought me an ipad (I use Kindle on it), and I agree with you. Shouldn't have waited so long. Now I can read on the treadmill which is changing the way I view exercise.

    2. I am newly married to a pilot and for the first time in five years of knowing each other, he is home every day. It has made us realize that there are a lot of pros to being apart for a few days occasionally. I can elaborate, but don't want to post an essay in your comments.

    3. Ditto.

    I've learned that I need to start being productive earlier in the morning. Too many distractions come later in the day.

  2. I learned . . .

    1) That I have the most amazing group of friends ever.

    2) That being invited to be a guest blogger is way cool.

    3) That Taco Bell's new beefy crunch burrito is better than I expected.

    I hope your hubby gets home soon.

  3. I've been thinkin' about an e-reader. So, I may be joining you in number 1! And number three is what I must learn too.

  4. I've learned that shopping for a teenage son's birthday is HARD. :)

  5. I agree that ut's hard to have my husband away on business tripes - especially when our kids are so little and miss him so much (as do I!).

  6. That Julie...

    1. Should have gotten a Kindle a long time ago.
    2. She'll never get accustomed to her husband being away from home on business trips.
    3. Sometimes she needs to turn off the Internet and just write.

    :) Sorry...couldn't resist. But I do enjoy learning more about you.

  7. #3 is a big one I have to keep learning!

    I've hoped over from a commment you left on Jody Hedlund's blog. :) Best to you!

  8. It's good to always be learning things. Thanks for sharing what you learned. I have to agree with all those things you mentioned.

  9. I've learned that spending an hour over coffee with a girlfriend is better therapy that anyone could ever pay for!
