Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Live Out Your Dreams

What would it look like for you to "go confidently in the direction of your dreams?"


  1. Not get sidetracked by things like television and complaining about my job. LOL.

    1. Oh, I know what you mean. I get distracted so easily!

  2. Love this!! I think it would mean not necessarily needing hard core, concrete results constantly--but trusting that even if I don't see the results, God is working behind the scenes while I'm doing what I can do. If that makes any sense. But yeah, it's that "confidently" part that stuck out to me. :)

    1. So true. It's like "going in the direction of your dreams" is enough because God is taking care of the rest. We just need to show up and do the work.

  3. oh, wow! I love this. I agree with Melissa. "Confidently" is the key word in that quote. I've been going round and round with a HUGE decision about the future of my writing "career" lately, and the only reason I haven't just put it out there and gone for it is because I lacked the confidence!! I know the decision I need to make, I just need to make it. WITH CONFIDENCE!

  4. I think any direction you take with confidence stems from simply being obedient and trusting God to order your steps. :) I love your pictures! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I walk with confidence because I know God is walking right next to me. I trust His step and direction. Sorry my typo above.

    1. "I trust His step and direction." I love that, Loree!

  7. It's the confidently part that I sometimes trip over. I know what I want, but I sometimes get side-tracked by doubts and whispered lies that I'm somehow unworthy of the dream I want to attain.

  8. I'm loving your inspirational pictures!

    And I have to admit I have no idea what it would look like for me to truly go confidently. I think I'm confident in the general direction God's given me, but I question myself with every little step...Is this the right way? Should I do this? Or that? Hello, are you there, God?

    It's definitely a journey of faith. :0)

    1. Thanks! "I question myself with every little step." Me too!

  9. For me it's taking my eyes off the final destination and just focusing on what I can do today. Great question!

    Have a great weekend!
