Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rough Day?

Here's what happens when an almost two-year-old leaves his favorite toy outside with two labs.

Luckily, my son didn't seem to care that the horse only has three legs and not much of a face left. I hope your day went better than the horse's.


  1. Poor horsie. Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

  2. Good sport.

    I remember coming home from a birthday party and our dog had chomped the nose off my cabbage page kid. I wasn't so relaxed about it. :D

    ~ Wendy

  3. Oh no! Well, at least he didn't mine. Funny, my two little girls used to fight over the one-legged Barbie. Go figure.

  4. He's lucky they didn't bury the horse too. Given another hour with that horse and who knows what would have happened.

  5. I have a lab. He chews up everything. Yes, my day was better than the horse's. :)

  6. Oh no!!! LOL Too funny. Labs are awesome pets though, despite their chewing habits.

  7. Oh no! I like it that children will still see what's left rather than what is missing.

  8. :( Poor pony. But as Lynn said, how like a child to see what's left.

  9. I'm glad you didn't have to deal with the your child being traumatized by it! Mine probably would be. :)

  10. Aww... when my golden was a puppy nothing was safe! He ate things that shocked and alarmed us but time went by and he settled down. he's ten now.
