Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ebooks, Bowl Cuts, & Hawaiian Shirts

My first novel, Canyon Walls, was recently rereleased as an ebook!

It's available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Christian Book.

To celebrate, I'm going to give away one paperback copy of the book.

To enter to win, answer this random question in the comments:

What fashion statement do you wish you'd never made?

A big thank you to my husband, Kevin, for coming up with the question, and for volunteering his answer - The bowl cut. :)

Here's one of my many unfortunate fashion choices.


  1. oh, my gosh, I had the BIGGEST hair when I was younger. My hair is already a little curly, but I went and got myself an 80's perm and POOF!

    Love you in those glasses.:)

    1. The 80s perms were horrible! I remember using mousse, hairspray and get to make mine even crunchier than it already was.

  2. Haha, awesome! That's cool about your book. :) Congrats!

    Hey, we could have been twins! I had huge glasses too when I was in like 3rd grade. Ye-ah. And my mom used to put me in jumpers. Puh-lease! Whhhhyyyy?!

    1. Thanks! I blame my mom too :) And I'm pretty sure that outfit was a hand-me-down from my sister.

  3. Ohhh, the bowl cut. How I remember that.

    My answer would definitely have to be glasses, as well. I had these huge, ugly things in grade school. Ugh...and if I could take back the stirrup stretch pants, slouch socks and oversized sweatshirts, I'd do that as well. :)

    1. Are you trying to say my glasses are ugly!? I loved those glasses! Hahaha. Just kidding. They were terrible! I think they were probably made for a middle-aged man!

      Oh, and I rocked the stirrup stretch pants too. :)

  4. Frosting my hair! It made it dry as straw! It took forever to grow it out.

    1. I forgot about all my hair color disasters! I once turned it hot pink the day before Thanksgiving (as an adult, not a teenager). People kept asking me, "Did you do that on purpose?" No!

  5. Hilarous! I wish I'd never have tight rolled my jeans and wore suspenders!! Material! LOL

  6. LOL! Pegged jeans, for sure. Not flattering on any body type, period.

    Congrats on the ebook, Julie! How fun.

    1. Thanks. I had some terrible jeans. I also had several awful pairs of overalls. Ugh.

  7. That's wonderful, Julie! Congrats!!

    I had my hair cut like Princess Diana once. I looked more like one of the Beatles.

  8. I had the best puffy bangs in elementary school - no one could compare...but I wish I didn't have any pictures to prove it... :) Congrats on the release of the ebook!
