Monday, February 11, 2013

My Writing Partner

This is my writing partner, Baidy.

She tends to slow me down because she likes to sit on top of my wrists, which makes it difficult to type.  Baidy looks pretty innocent here, but she's more like our guard cat. When we have company, we have to say, "Welcome to our home. By the way, don't touch the cat." I would blame it on the fact that we've had her about thirteen years, but she's always had an attitude. 

In her defense, she must know I'm writing this post because she's being very sweet right now. 

We also have two labs. Maybe they'll get their own post in the future. 

Do you have pets? Are they friendlier than my cat? 


  1. I'm owned by a black cat named Ink, or as my girlies like to say Ink is my familiar. He likes to play rough and sometimes bites. He's shy of strangers and tends to hide. He was not cuddly when he was young, but as he ages he's becoming a love bunny. He's 15 and will turn 16 on Halloween of this year.

    1. Then maybe there is still hope for Baidy. Maybe she will mellow in the next few years.

  2. Oh man, that is sweet and I'm way more of a dog person. We have an old Samoyed with cat-like tendencies.

  3. That's so funny!! I have a girl kitty and she can be very loving or very standoffish. She doesn't like kids. LOL
    I love cats and am more partial to them because they don't demand my constant attention but I also like dogs too. :-)

    1. My cat does pretty well with my four-year-old. It's like she knows that he's off limits.

  4. Aw, so cute!! My kitty used to love curling up in my lap while I worked at my desk. We lost her a year ago. :( But my they're another story. If I let them upstairs while I'm working, they like to try to get under the desk...where there are a bunch of wires they can disconnect. Haha.

  5. Replies
    1. She's good at looking innocent, but you can't trust her. :)

  6. LOL! I have a dog, but she knows to steer clear of me. Ha! But if I'm on the couch she'll lay near me. Never on me. Never.

    1. My dogs definitely prefer my husband. When I come home, I get nothing. When they hear Kevin's truck pull up, they're at the door barking.

  7. Love your kitty! She just loves to touch you, and wants your attention. So loyal!

    We have one dog now. Our 15 year old, border collie named Fly. She is still an awesome dog...slowing up, but still wonderful and playful.

    We also have, Johnny, my daughter's Leopard Gecko. He's 13 years old. Johnny is a smart lizard. He attended Purdue for 4 years, and IUPUI for 2 years with my daughter, but after she got her Masters, and a good job, he can't live in her apartment. Boo! He's with us! Yes he eats crickets.

  8. Such a cute kitty! I have Noodle, my cocker spaniel. He stays at my feet all day while I'm at the computer. I feel guilty that he won't go and play or eat. Sometimes I think I should move the laptop and work next to his feeding dish, lol.

  9. So adorable! I have two cats and a YorkiPoo puppy. One cat is affectionate, the other...not so much. Love them all.

  10. This cat is the spawn of the devil.
